Do UV Lights in HVAC Really Work? A Comprehensive Guide

UV lights are a popular choice for sterilizing equipment in hospitals, restaurants, stores, and other businesses. Studies have also shown that they can be effective in air conditioning systems, with one study finding that they could reduce the amount of mold and bacteria in a test home by 97%. This is because they prevent compounds from forming that cause problems in the air conditioning unit, allowing it to operate more efficiently and consume less energy. Mold and bacteria can be a major issue when it comes to indoor air quality.

Airborne germs pass through the air conditioning system filter and circulate through your home or business. The inner coil of your air conditioning system is part of what cools your home, but it can also be a hotbed of microscopic problems that affect air quality and system efficiency. Numerous health studies have shown that HVAC UV lights help eliminate bacteria and allergens as they pass through the system. HVAC UV lights have many advantages, from reducing allergies and energy costs to preventing common air conditioner damage.

As less mold and mildew circulates through the air conditioning system thanks to a UV light unit, drain pipes are also less likely to clog up, one of the most common air conditioning problems. While it may seem that UV HVAC lights offer nothing but benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider before making the investment. The trick is that UV bulbs don't even get installed in ducts most of the time. HVAC UV lights don't remove dust and dandruff from the air circulation, so you can opt for another solution if this is your problem.

We have always recommended UV lighting in every new installation or as an upgrade for the maintenance of air conditioning systems. Between the two models of UV light for air conditioning, the “best option” depends on the system and the needs. Installing a UV lamp for HVAC benefits everyone in your household, especially people with allergies and respiratory problems. When a UV light is configured to illuminate the condenser coil and drain pan, it can be quite effective in preventing mold and bacteria from flooding these parts of the system.

More recently, UV lights have gained popularity because they are said to be effective in killing the new coronavirus, COVID-19. Another problem with HVAC UV lights that the sales technician won't tell you is that UVC radiation doesn't interact with the circulating air for a long time. While a UV light can help those with respiratory problems by destroying mold and mildew growth, HVAC UV lights are expensive to install and maintain and will ultimately make it necessary to repair the HVAC system due to damage. Most importantly, the UV lamps that most HVAC technicians try to sell you aren't powerful enough to kill even a significant amount of mold spores, bacteria, and viruses circulating through your system. A complete UV light unit is connected directly to the air ducts to disinfect the air entering the machine. In conclusion, while there are many benefits associated with installing an HVAC UV light unit, there are also some drawbacks that should be taken into consideration before making an investment.

It's important to understand how these units work and what their limitations are before deciding whether or not they are right for you.

Rodney Marie
Rodney Marie

Wannabe beer junkie. Hardcore beer scholar. Extreme social media fanatic. Social media fanatic. Subtly charming beer junkie.

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