How Much Does UV Light Installation Services Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

UV lights are a cost-effective and efficient way to improve the air quality in your home. HVAC technicians often opt for UV light treatment in their system as it can kill bacteria, mold, and other contaminants. The dose of UV lights is considered quite high since they are usually on full time. While UV lights can kill the coronavirus, the intensity and dose of each light is different.

Installing UV units is an effective solution if you have problems with mold growth in your air conditioning unit or mildew in the house, or if you are concerned about air quality. The best place to install UV lights in your HVAC system is just above the coil, so that they continuously illuminate it and prevent mold from forming. Consult your HVAC technician to decide where to install the lights. The UV lights in your air conditioning system will most likely not help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Ductwork UV lights or HVAC lights that produce germicides in the air are designed to eliminate airborne allergens and contaminants that pass through ventilation grilles. The CDC warns that the effectiveness of the lights depends on the intensity of the UV rays and the time the contaminated surface is exposed to light.

In reality, most bacteria, mold spores, and viruses in the air travel very easily through UV light without being affected. Spiral disinfectant lights are installed to work constantly and are placed so that they can be used in areas most sensitive to microbial growth. In some cases, UV light systems for air conditioning systems generate efficiency and cost savings that can help you recover installation costs.

How Much Does a UV Light Installation Service Cost?

So, how much does a UV light installation service typically cost? It depends on several factors such as the size of your HVAC system, the type of UV light you choose, and whether you need professional installation or not. Generally speaking, a professional installation service for a single UV light can cost anywhere from $200 to $500.


UV light installation services are an effective way to improve your home's indoor air quality. The cost of installation depends on several factors such as the size of your HVAC system, the type of UV light you choose, and whether you need professional installation or not.

Professional installation services for a single UV light can cost anywhere from $200 to $500.

Rodney Marie
Rodney Marie

Wannabe beer junkie. Hardcore beer scholar. Extreme social media fanatic. Social media fanatic. Subtly charming beer junkie.

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