The Benefits and Cost of Installing a UV Light: An Expert's Perspective

UV lights are an affordable and effective way to improve the indoor air quality of your home. Knowing the benefits and cost of installing a UV light can help you make an informed decision about value. Installing UV units can be a great solution if you have problems with mold growth in your air conditioning unit or mildew in the house, or if you are concerned about air quality. UVC radiation is effective against virtually all viruses, bacteria, molds, and fungi that come directly through rays.

However, UV lamps only really work to keep the drain pan and the coils free of mold and bacteria. UVC radiation doesn't interact with the circulating air for a long time, so it offers very little benefit. A UV light purifier is designed to act directly on specific types of particles, eliminating bacteria, viruses, or mold cells that could otherwise make family members sick. In general, the UV lamps that your HVAC company is trying to sell you are probably not powerful enough to kill a significant amount of mold spores, bacteria, and viruses circulating through your system. Most bacteria, mold spores, and viruses in the air travel very easily through UV light without being affected at all. An air purifier with UV light is a system that works with specific types of particles that can spread diseases or other infections.

The spiral disinfectant lights are installed to work constantly and are placed so that they can be used in areas most sensitive to microbial growth. In some cases, UV light systems for HVAC generate efficiency and cost savings that can help you recover installation costs. To understand the best value for money, it's important to compare the price of each type of UV light since both do the same thing. Knowing the benefits and cost of installing a UV light can help you make an informed decision about value.

Rodney Marie
Rodney Marie

Wannabe beer junkie. Hardcore beer scholar. Extreme social media fanatic. Social media fanatic. Subtly charming beer junkie.

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